Thursday, June 09, 2011

Form an orderly queue

We normally have a tootle after teatime, and today we went down to the beach in Hythe where the kids threw a few stones into the sea. Then we came down to Shore Road to see if we could see Lewis, as he was sailing with the Sea Scouts. Miranda has that 'none too pleased' look about her....

Listened to a few great nostalgic strands on the radio today - first I accidentally chose Four Extra on the iPlayer, and it was an episode of the Men from the Ministry. After all these years it still sounded fresh, and I could feel my face aching from all the smiling by the end. A damn site better that listening to the Radio 4 Today programme.

Second strand was a feature on Radio 6 about Martin Rushent the record producer who defined the sound of the late seventies and early eighties for me in many ways. The Stranglers Rattus Norwegicus was one of my first big fave albums, which is now so worn and scratchy it's taken on new production values! Sadly he was another casualty of the grim reaper last weekend.

No more heroes any more...

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