At the reunion party on the weekend in Kenilworth we met at a well appointed Country House set in nice gardens. The kids were all in high spirits and the garden was taking a little wear and tear. At one point Lewis came running over to me
"Quick Dad! ....you'd better come Gregory have pulled the Sword out of the Stone..."
I had visions of expensive damage, and ran over to see what had happened, and found Greg failing a huge sword around like a mad warrior. And yes he'd managed o extract this 40lb steel sword from the rock!
I had a phone call from my Mum this evening who'd been to the opening of a new restaurant and guest house in Laugharne called Seaview. The chef is no other than Redvers DuMayne who used to rule the roost at the Ivy Bush Royal Hotel - happy memories of growing up, wild abandon and cutting my commercial teeth on an unsuspecting public!