Just rubbed my eyes and remembered that I'd not loaded anything for the blog. I have got a nice picture that Lewis gave me earlier so I may load this later...we'll see. Today has been interesting in a few ways. The year starting afresh, and the weather improving we thought it was time to get a second kayak, so this afternoon we headed for Calshot to trial our new found freedom.
I thought it looked a little ominous when we arrived and despite a glorious sunny afternon, there were about 50 surfers all sitting on the beach, with barely one on the water... there was surf even on the lagoon!
Anyhow the kids were rearing to go, and we had a new boat to launch. I pushed Lewis off in his new
Perception Sparc, and before I could get into my boat the look on his face said it all.... He was terrified, the water spinning him arround and driving him onto the rocks....
I put him in our boat and took the Sparc myself, but by this time he'd lost all confidence. The waves were bad but the wind was driving spray over him and it was near imposible to make a line out from where we were launched, and the North Easterly winds, quite unforgiving.
I took the kayaks futher out into the lee of the bay and we started again but after Lewis watched me capsize, he finally gave way and said he was beaten.
So our maiden voyage will have to wait for another day, and wait it will. We now also have a great book detailing sea voyages around the South West Cost by Mark Rainsley called "South West Sea Kayaking" - it's fantastic, and has just been published - buy it now before it's too late.
I'm really proud of the boys who have saved up £200 towards their Kayak - Thanks to everyone who contributed birthday and Christmas money towards their canoe fund, it's heped them to be really focussed on getting soemething they wanted.