Saturday, September 30, 2006
The Chill out zone

Friday, September 29, 2006
Rockin' and rollin'

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Caught in the act!

As she gains confidence scooting around the floor, so she starts to take an interest in anything she's not supposed to be doing! Opening the kitchen cabinets is a particular treat, .........oh no I've been caught at it again!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lewis was very excited by the delivery of his first Legoclub magazine which arrived today, which was good timing on their part as Lewis has been very busy recently making all sorts of new models! Greg as always very keen to join in, so hopefully we'll see some new creations now inspired by the other champion builders in the magazine - there's nothing like a challenge to get Lewis going to the next level....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Big Brother

Loopy Lew looking very self confident, next to his little sister. Tiger is making good progress with his school work, and he's adjusting well to having a fair bit of homework to do. His guitar playing also seems to be coming along nicely - it's amazing sometimes to see things all improving at the same time.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Messy Eater
Following in her mother's footsteps and proving that eating can be both theatrical activity and olfactory pleasure. Mealtimes can be lots of fun, and sometimes real torture - this is one of the lighter moments!

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Miranda's playmate!

This would have been yesterday's picture, had it not been Lewis' birthday Party. But when we were dropping his friends back home we bumped into Dawn and Carol, and they popped back for some Birthday cake.
Dawn loves playing with Miranda, who shrieks like a banshee when she's playing "Pass the Parcel" - we're not sure who had more fun though!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Truck Drivers Party

Lewis had a few friends around today for a Truck Drivers Party, so here's a few photos of the event. Thge boys had great fun making stuff like Truck Drivers Mugs decorated with their own designs, Traffic Light Biscuits and Lorry Pizzas....
The real treat came when they got to eat their produce and share Lewus' birthday cake which he stayed up until 10PM last light decorating!
Friday, September 22, 2006
It was on a night like this...

Tonight we went down to Calshot for some fresh air and a run around, and this shot quickly taken on the way back to the car is far better than the birthday portrait that I took earlier in the day. If I could find the first portrait I did of Lewis, in my arms just a few minutes old, as a reflection in the hospital window .... I would - but who knows where it is?
So here's my Champion rider, my Tiddley Pom, my big Tiger! Eight years old.

This was the first pic of Lewis that I ever took, ...well the first of Lewis and I, that I ever took reflected in the grime of Basingstoke General Hospital's window.
My hasn't he grown!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Froggy 2 - The final installment!

Well Froggy and his family are almost family and they do live at the same addres as us!
Caroline was doing some gardening earlier when I was summonsed, and this is the result. Froggy, or son of froggy, as he is obviously smaller, has got himself stuck in the spout of the watering can - although suffice to say we did manage to get him out safely.
Reminds me of the time we nearly got our car stuck in a narrow road in Granada!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Moments before disaster...

Greg proudly displays his masterpiece, hand decorated plate with surf duder on surfboard. What the picture doe not show is Miranda tugging sharply at Greg's rear, which precipitated in the plate in pieces on the kitchen floor.... and a very upset Greg. The whole incident only set in context by Mummy having said "Now mind you don't drop it" only two minutes earlier!
The bump on the head is from yesterday's bike crash...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
"Did you really make it Lewis?..."

We had a really nice bike ride in the forest today - Greg managed to ride from Denny Wood over to Brockenhurst off road with the promise of a picnic from the pasty shop. He had a bit of a nasty fall from his bike on the way, but this did not dent his enthusiasm! We ate 7 pasties and a whole Apfel Studdel from the French Connection Patisserie between us, before making the return journey. I didnt take my camera so today's picture is from earlier in the week when we visited the new site. This is Lewis showing Greg his work on display in the foyer of a truck he's made from papier mache.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hello Froggy

We had a visitor in our garden today, who was hidden under some leaves in the garden. He stayed for quite a while, and seemed to enjoy our company!
He was rather huge, does anyone recognise the species?
Hmm yes he's a common frog!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Walk a thin line...
Lepe tonight was gorgeous, with the sun much lower in the sky now as we head towards Autumn. The leaves on the trees are starting to turn brown in places, I noticed as I came home from London today. The sunset was fantastic, a huge disk of vibrant orange as it went down.
I love the sky at Lepe it is always interesting, and this silouhette of Lewis is one of my favourite pictures of the day.
I love the sky at Lepe it is always interesting, and this silouhette of Lewis is one of my favourite pictures of the day.

Thursday, September 14, 2006
My school is fun

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Off to School

A big day for Gregory, it's his first day at Waterside Prmary School, and boy was he excited! He's always been keen to keep up with Lewis and has really responded well to this challenge.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The end of an era....

Greg will be unable to play football with me lunchtimes now, as tomorrow he starts school full time. One minute he's your little boy and the next he's growing up faster than you are ready.
My first tooth!

It has been a tad frustrating for all of us as the last month or two have been quite a noisy and disrupted - and we were actually looking forward to the process begining - now's the time to find out!
Monday, September 11, 2006
all grown up now!

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Nearly gone...

Eggy sandwiches for lunch today, and they were taking their time to disappear, so I put my time to some better use, whilst I waited for Greg to play football with me.
Sun shining through the windows and a nice wide aperature always creates a nice visual effect, although the shot with the best eggy sandwich did not have the best eye contact...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
90 degrees of separation

I've been in London all day today so this pic is a few days old, and rendered in black and white. Somehow b/w creates a timeless quality that colour cannot match
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Eye eye!

About six years ago I did a series of close ups of Lewis' eyes, so it was time to revisit the subject. My lens doesnt focus quite as close as the 990 I previously used, but I like this portrait which captures some of Lewis's inquisitiveness.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
My tonic!

Poor little Greg has been unwell, he spent most of last 24hrs back and fore to the bathroom, but he's looking like he's over the worst now.
So this is a recent pic to remind us all why he's my best tonic when I am feeling down...
Monday, September 04, 2006

Caroline went shopping this morning and came back with a special offer from Waitrose!
Improved recipe, 10% extra, or was it "buy one get one free"
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The leggless Partygoer

The footballer needed a trip to casualty but seems to be recovering nicely!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Kids at Play

We've not had the boys playing in the study on the blog for a little while, so todays picture is to redress the balance.
The lego construction is the refinery, and this was taken after we'd managed to "get rid of Miranda" and restore order to the building site.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Go fly a kite....

End of the week again, and we find ourselves at Lepe - and tonight it was kite flying that took our fancy. Lewis tried the stunter but the wind was fairly strong, whilst Greg yanked his foil butally as it held it's own (just) in the sky
Miranda looks on with charicteristic "Why don't they let me have a go...." expressions.
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