It's my favourite time of year...
To begin with it's dark in the morning so the kids don't wake to early, and we can almost smile when we are forced to accept the day has begun. (The stair gate at the top of the stairs will go soon and that will be one less irritation to contend with)
My bike ride out over the forest was first class a cold headwind was burning my energy, but the autumn colours were fantastic.
After lunch - a delicious soup of yellow peas with homemade savoury scones, I took the boys out for a frolic in the forest whilst Mrs Mippy slept, and Mrs Mischief did some gardening...
Our walk was only slightly marred by those anarchist tossers in red and black jackets, exercising disregard for law and order in our fine countryside.... when are the Police going to get off their perch and do something about this?