Thursday, January 10, 2008

The oldest swinger

Lewis was looking very forlorn this evening when I got in from work, his arm looking a bit swollen.... Fortunately it was a near miss, but he was very philosophical about the experience, telling me about all the things he would have been unable to do if he'd broken has arm.

Oddly whilst I was eating supper I could hear him singing a whole collection of songs, in the space he would normally be playing his guitar. This is something I have never known him do before, although when I cross examined him about the tunes he told me he'd learned them in school for the Christmas production.

And whilst we're on the subject, this morning as he ws practicing, Miranda joined in on the tambourine. Not just banging it but keeping time, so at about 7.30 this morning we all broke out into song in the kitchen....

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