Saturday, June 12, 2010


It's been another cracking day here. We had a nice bike ride first thing and lunch in the garden, and this afternoon we've been on the beach at Calshot. It's a great place when the tide is dropping out because the kids can play without any fear of getting in trouble. We walk out to the islands as they form, and there's loads on sea life to explore. Today we had our first ever sighting of a live cuttlefish - what an extraordinary creature! It scurried around our feet and didn't squirt us with it's ink.

This morning we also had a chance to revisit the site of the Kestrel nest near Ipley with Lewis. There's still  one young left in the nest (although last week there was quite a few squarking fom the hole in the tree), and although we hung out at a safe distance to watch for the parent, it didn't came. A few weeks ago we watched it bringing fresh rabbit for the little ones. Something we won't forget seeing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some lovely potraits appearing . Can't believe how grown up they are all getting . We now have one who has left school !! It comes around very fast . Hope we will see you over the summer.