Friday, March 01, 2013

Sketcher Upper

Lewi and Greg both enjoying working with Sketch up, as indeed did my brother Christian when it was a licensed product back in the day.

I recently set Lewi a project to draw up our house inside and out which he enjoyed. And he's also been working on some boat designs where curved volumes present a greater challenge.

He told us this evening that his teacher has asked him to do some drawings of Memphis product design for a project they are studying, just so happens we have a few of them in our house already courtesey of Joanna - a submarine butter dish and a stylised female bottle opener.

Greg has spent the day at a Tag Rugby tournament competing against 28 schools from Hampshire and Dorset. They fought their way to the semi final but just missed out, and boy did they look pleased with themselves. Well done Greg! And tomorrow he has another football tournament followed by a week at Osmington Bay activity centre.

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