Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Roman Assembly

Great fun this morning watching Greg (the Centurion, naturally) leading his legionairies onto the school stage for a Roman Assembly ..."Sinister, dexter, sinister, dexter,..."

He was very masterful!

'AD SIGNA’ = ‘To the Standards (ie flags)'= FALL IN ie prepare to march
'PROCEDITE' (Pro-keh-dee-tay) = QUICK MARCH (Sin.... dex etc)
'CONSISTITE’ (Kon-sis-tee-tay) = HALT

They are having a school trip to Fishbourne Palace near Chicester, which was only discovered accidentally in 1960 by excavations for a water main.

I also took a few pictures of impromptu sword fighting with his friends which I may post another day, watch this space...

I'm listening to Uri Caine - The Goldberg Variations


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