Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm a roadrunner!

We've been having fun with Roadrunner recently - it's one of the tunes Lewis was given at school last term and he's been practicing it most days, since breaking up for the summer. I have been joining in with the African drum, and having a bit of fun too, so the practice piece has stared getting longer.

Anyhow tonight Lewis put one of my Chess records on and he came running into the kitchen to tell me "Hey Dad it's Roadrunner!", so tonight he's been jamming along with the record, until I almost had to tell him to turn it off!

Searching for a Bo Diddley picture to go with the story I was saddened to hear that Bo is very unwell, having suffered a stroke. So tonight my thoughts are with him, for bringing us so much musical inspiration

Check out the news page at http://www.tciartists.com for more info

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