Lewis and I had a game of Chess this evening, which I guess with hindsight I should have taken a few photos of! I did give him a few chances to win but it's hard to demonstrate Check Mate without going in for the kill, and feeling trapped. Needless to say this wasn't the expression on his face!
I've had a nice stroll at sundown on Shore Road tonight to stretch my legs, and there was wildlife everywhere. First of all I saw Foxy, who was his usual assertive and sneaky self as he lolloped his way along the shore, and down the railway line. Then I saw the Tawny Owl and her two offspring in the oak tree by the picnic area. This was the best viewing I've had recently as they came and had a good look at me whilst the mother chastised them. Then finally I popped in to Barry's and he showed me the squirrel who has nested in his Owl Box on the CCTV. It was an amazing image to see the head burrowing in his furry tail covered in Oak leaves...
Check out Barry's cctv footage here
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