Sunday, February 27, 2011


This one goes with yesterday's picture, and captures some of the fun we have from time to time. For those in the know, it's Ella McStumping and Miranda was reading it upside down whilst pretending to pose for me.

The day started this morning with a nice cup of tea in bed delivered by Lewis and the announcement that he had planned a walk for us to do. Considering we'd had a late night, it wasn't exactly what we wanted as a first thought of the day.

Anyhow the idea floated eventually, it was after all a very nice day in prospect. We walked from the spit in Keyhaven via Lymore across Pennington Marshes and back via the lagoons. The first hour and a half were fab, but rain set in and turned to a deluge. The last fifteen minutes it escalated, and very heavy rain with hail stones almost beat  us to a pulp. Poor Mipp had had enough by this point!

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